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F E D 1 +

Software for Calculation of Helical Compression Springs

(C) Copyright 1988-2025 by HEXAGON Software, Berlin


FED1+ calculates cylindrical helical compression springs in accordance with EN 13906-1. Graphical presentation of the spring's characteristic curve, the Goodman diagram and the buckling field is possible. A scale drawing of the spring, as well as a production drawing in accordance with DIN/EN can be exported to CAD via the DXF and IGES interfaces. The extended version, FED1+, also contains a database which you can append indefinitely as well as calculation and animation of the spring on screen.

Quick Input

Quick Input allows you to enter dimensions, load, material, tolerances, application and manufacturing data altogether in one dialogue window. FED1+ calculates and displays results as list, table, drawing, diagrams.

Pre-Dimensioning, Dimensioning, Recalculation

In dimensioning, an appropriate compression spring is calculated from the spring forces, travel, coil diameter and clamping length. In re-calculation, existing springs can be calculated by inputting dimensions and values. All necessary elements, such as spring forces, travel, spring rates, spring work, tension, wire length, spring buckling travel, radial extension, natural frequency and weight are calculated. The minimum and maximum forces, F1 and F2 can be iteratively calculated, as well as the greatest and smallest possible wire diameter for the softest and hardest springs.

Material Data

The software obtains the values for the most important spring materials from the integrated material database (tensile strength, admissable shearing stress in relation to wire diameter, shearing modulus, modulus of elasticity, density).


The program calculates the tolerances for the wire diameter d according to EN 10218 and DIN 2077, and for Dm, L0, F1 and F2 according to EN 15800 and DIN 2096.

Spring Characteristic Curve

The force path diagram for the compression spring can be displayed on screen, alternatively the tolerance zone of the possible quality grades can be shown.

Goodman Diagram

You can see in the fatigue strength diagram whether or not the permissable travel tension has been adhered to for dynamically stressed springs. The curves for fatigue strength (>10 million) as well as for 1 million and 100,000 repetitions are shown.

Buckling Field

It becomes clear in the buckling field at which travel distance the compression springs buckles to the side.

Quick Output

In Quick Output, the characteristic spring curve and the most important spring data are shown on one screen page.

Spring Drawing

You can graphically display spring elevations and cross-sections on screen in any clamping length between L0 and Lc, with lined-up or ground spring ends. The graphic display can be exported to CAD via the DXF or IGES interfaces. FED1+ generates a 3D drawing of the centerline helix.

Production Drawing

FED1+ generates a complete production drawing from the calculated data (in accordance with DIN/EN) as DXF and IGES files which can then be exported to CAD.

Wastage Calculation

The program calculates the wastage quota for all quality grades and stated tolerances based on normal distribution according to the Gaussian curve when you provide manufacturing conditions (e.g. 1% wastage with quality grade 1).

Wire Profile

FED1+ can calculate springs of round, square, rectangular and elliptic wire.


FED1+ calculates relaxation of spring loads, depending in material, load, temperature and time.


FED1+ animation simulates the motion of the spring on screen between two specified points.

Spring Database

FED1+ contains a database with spring manufacturer catalogues, which you can append with your own springs. After a spring calculation you can search the database for appropriate compression springs when inputting minimum and maximum values.

Cost Calculation

FED1+ calculates the price for the manufactured spring, the basic data is stored in the database and can be altered.


FED1+, like any other HEXAGON software, may be switched between metric units and imperial units.

Hard and Software Requirements

FED1+ is available as 32-bit and 64 bit application for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7.

Scope of Delivery

FED1+ program, sample data, help pictures and help text, user manual (pdf), non-expiring license with update rights.


HEXAGON gives a 24 month guarantee on full functionality of the software.

Software Maintenance

HEXAGON Software is continuously improved and updated. Customers will be informed regularly of updates and new editions.

Download FED1 Demo for Windows (765 kB)

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